While none of us has any financial interest in this CD, I think it's safe to say that we're all delighted to be associated with a compilation that not only represents Lanza at his best in this genre, but is stunning to look at as well. As I never tire of saying, Sepia is truly a class act.
The sources for this CD were the best-available vinyl reproductions, reel-to-reel tapes (including the original Coke Show broadcasts of songs like "If," and in the case of the 1950 "Because," the aurally resplendent RAI programme La Mia Vita per il Canto from 1959), and some of Lanza's own tapes and acetates (courtesy of the late Colleen and late Damon Lanza), all lovingly remastered by Sepia's resident sound guru, Robin Cherry.
More than anything else, though, it's the stunning consistency of the selections presented here that I think will bowl over listeners. There are no off-days in the studio to be heard here! In each instance where more than one Lanza version of a song exists, we've chosen what we consider the best rendition. Examples include the discarded MGM take of "All the Things You Are" (a mono reproduction, I should acknowledge, but one that compares not unfavourably sound-wise with the long-deleted Rhino stereo reproduction---its only previous outing on CD) and the glorious 1956 Cavalcade version of "Yours Is My Heart Alone," which I believe has never sounded better. The restored spoken intros to "The Night Is Young," "If I Loved You," and the Albert Hall "Because You're Mine" are also a delight to hear.
UPDATE #1 (9 February 2016): The CD is available now directly from Sepia Records (it's listed there as a "forthcoming release," but it's actually already in stock), and will be released at propermusic.com, amazon.co.uk, and amazon.com on 4 March 2016. Sepia Records and ProperMusic are probably the cheapest options, especially for those outside of the UK.
UPDATE #2 (23 February 2016) Lindsay Perigo has posted a rave review of the CD at his web site here.