Thou art my thoughts, my present and my future Thou art my heart's supreme, its only joy I love thee more than any earthly creature I love thee dear, I love thee dear, I love thee now and for eternity, I love thee now and for eternity.
One thought of thee all other thought drives from me Pledged to thy good alone this heart shall be For to whatever fate God’s will may doom me I love thee, dear, I love thee, dear I love thee now and for eternity, I love thee now and for eternity.
Recorded in Rome in September 1958. Constantine Callinicos, conductor.
Please note: Although the above recording appears on the 1959 RCA soundtrack album For the First Time, it is not the rendition actually heard in that film. In the movie, Mario Lanza sings only the final lines of the song, and the recording used was a different take. The partial rendition below is the version heard in For the First Time.